Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Thoughts

I ran across this trailer for an upcoming movie today. It made me so sad to watch. I guess I never realized (or never took the time to notice) how big of a problem hunger is in the US. It shouldn't be like this. Children shouldn't have to go to sleep hungry. Families shouldn't have to go without food for days, just because they can't buy groceries. Watching this clip brings tears to my eyes. It may be the next door neighbor who is need, or the girl you work with. Hunger is everywhere! It could be you tomorrow. You never know what the future holds.

If you are sitting down to a big Thanksgiving meal tomorrow, thank the Lord for the blessing. There are so many out there who wont be having a nice hot meal. Remember those, and DO something! Donate to the local food pantry, drop off a bag of groceries on someone's door step, serve a meal at the soup kitchen, invite someone to your house for dinner. You can make a difference in someone's life. We can lower the number on those who are hungry. 

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