Monday, February 1, 2010

Time flies by,...

So today is the first day of February....
Am I the only one that thinks that January flew by? It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating Christmas. I for one haven't yet taken down my (fake) Christmas tree. All the ornaments are tucked away nicely in their red and green boxes, but the tree itself just sits there begging me to take it down. I have been tempted to put some red and pink hearts on it and make it a Valentine's tree. I guess with a baby at home and now that I have taken on the duty of watching a little baby girl (4 months old)as well during the week, everything else just gets pushed aside. Plus the fact that I can't physically drag the sucker up two flights of stairs to the attic by myself. But with all that has been going on, I've been told that I should enjoy the stages that Liam is in, because they go so quickly. In two days, Liam will be three months old! Wow it's amazing how right they were. I am truly taking the time to enjoy him at every little stage he is in. He is starting to giggle now, and loves cooing back in conversational cadence. His smiles just melt the heart and I have to laugh when I see his one dimple (like mine) showing on his cheek. His head doesn't wobble as much and he loves looking around. He has a sweet personality and favors Tom's laid back temperament. It's a relief to know that the curse my mother placed on me "I hope one day you have a kid just like you." didn't stick. Although I better not say that too quickly, because he hasn't hit the talking/walking stage just yet. I guess I was a child who didn't need much sleep and loved climbing out of my bed to see what was going on downstairs. I also talked/sang early (what a surprise!)It's exciting to see what this little life has to offer the world. Will he be shy or outgoing? Will he be an artist or be technical like his dad, fixing computers and things with buttons and wires? Will he like to sing or rather play an instrument? Will he be a good student? Only time will tell. I look back on these past three tiresome months and realize how blessed I am. My dream of one day of being a momma has actually come true. There is no better job in the world. I'll share a few pictures of my little Prince that I took this past month.

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